The National Center for Jewish Film is a unique, independent nonprofit motion picture archive, distributor, resource center and exhibitor. NCJF's ongoing mission is the collection, preservation and exhibition of films with artistic and educational value relevant to the Jewish experience and the dissemination of these materials to the widest possible audience. NCJF exclusively owns the largest collection of Jewish content film in the world, outside of Israel. The Center's 15,000 reels of feature films, documentaries, newsreels, home movies and institutional films date from 1903 to the present.
Thanks to Gamma Ray Digital, quality scanning is now within our means. Their work is top notch and turn-around time unmatched.
Since 2015, Gamma Ray Digital has scanned dozens of 8mm, 16mm and 35mm films, ranging from home movies shot during the liberation of Nazi concentration camps to feature films from the early 1900s.